Author/Writer (our new bff) Samantha Irby

Get ready to laugh your ass off! Author/comedian/blogger/tv writer Samantha Irby is in the house and if you've ever read any of her books, she does not disappoint. As the conversation fluctuates between heavy and light (ie: from bowel issues to the deaths of our mothers), she is as real as it gets in the most hilarious way possible. You'll hear her thoughts on assisted living (pro), the news (con), NKOTB (pro), getting dressed (con), and the hilarious reason she waited almost 30 years to finally see Dave Matthews Band live. Plus we get all the inside scoop on her commissioned job to interview Lizzo for Time magazine in 2019. Take a listen and find out how she became our new best friend. You're welcome.

Samantha Irby's new book, Quietly Hostile, is available now.

But why buy just one? She has three more books, Meaty, We Are Never Meeting In Real Life, and Wow, No Thank You.

Follow Samantha Irby on IG


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