Y'all, can we just talk about women in sports for forever, please. And with THESE women in particular! On this episode, we welcome #forevergiant, SF Giants reporter Amy Gutierrez aka Amy G and illustrator Anika Orrock talking about their book Smarty Marty Takes the Field. Get ready to hear some great takes on how kids think about women in sports in 2024, the representation of U.S. women at this years summer Olympics, about the origin of Smarty Marty back in 2012 and how Anika was brought on for this third book in the series, and we wrap up talking about our collective respect for one of the best in the game, Renel Brooks-Moon.
Follow Amy G on IG
Follow Anika Orrock on IG
Grab Smarty Marty Takes The Field here
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Be well, stay safe, Black Lives Matter, AAPI Lives Matter, and abortion is normal.
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