Jojo Abot on yalda. first played To Li at 2:27am on Monday 4th Jun, 2018. Top Tracks 1. 1 To Li 2. 1 Gods Among Men Most Played Records Fyfya Woto Ngiwunkulunkulu
Discover Find your new favorite record on! Recent broadcasts featuring Jojo Abot BIG NOTHING #104 -- "NOT IN AUSTIN, BUT THESE ARE THE ARTISTS YOU GOTTA SEE IF YOU ARE!" March 13 2019 BIG NOTHING Play Loading… Pause ep 1 we're just feelin things out ft. Forth Wanderers, Rose Droll, Blonde Redhead, Deerhoof June 4 2018 listen to me stumble through my first episode, featuring some new jamz, old jamz, and a frantic laila scrambling to finish talking before the talk break… yalda. Play Loading… Pause Love Jojo Abot? These shows are for you! BIG NOTHING Andrew songs and words celebrating music, art, community, and friendship. yalda. chill, surf, punk, deep house, & local tunez to get you through the longest nights (or earliest mornings)
yalda. chill, surf, punk, deep house, & local tunez to get you through the longest nights (or earliest mornings)