
grind select



Most recently, Shoebox Office played Middle of Winter by A Beacon School on Sunday 22nd Dec, 2024.

On has played grind select releases from artists such as A Beacon School, all boy/all girl, S.C.A.B, Grocer, Nina Keith, ehiorobo, Prism House.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from grind select!

A show loosely based around exploring the threads and connections between songs through their lyrics, themes, sounds... or sometimes whatever topics the guest DJ's select!

brought to you by the queers, the queens, and everything in between

Delivering a fun mix of independent and alternative music, featuring old favorites, new tracks, and local acts

A blend of Indie, Alternative, and Bedroom Pop. A new playlist curated EVERY Friday!

new / obscure releases from obscure / obvious genres; sometimes none of the above.

An eclectic mix of recently released music fused with tunes from the pioneers who inspired our contemporary favorites.