



Most recently, Warpstar Radio played Headz Gone West by Nia Archives on Thursday 27th Mar, 2025.

On has played HIJINXX releases from artists such as Nia Archives.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from HIJINXX!

tunes, remixes of tunes, new stuff, old stuff, spanning all genres. with a focus on local music ✌.ʕʘ‿ʘʔ.✌

An eclectic mix of Black music from the past, present and future.

A lush lineup of tunes every week from around the genre gauntlet, featuring new (and some old) tracks from artists local and around the world. Spread on thick for maximum enjoyment.

“This isn't about looking good. This isn't about making people like you. Remember why we're here: No magic. Just music.”

R&B, Soul, Funk, Indie Pop, Folk, Electronic hodge-podge of excellence.

a 2-hour long channeled music that taps into the creative human experience

A bi-weekly, hump-day haven of catharsis and sonic exploration brought to you by by Lonald J. Bandz