
Its Ok



Most recently, audiosyncrasies played Conversation by Dry Cleaning on Friday 22nd Mar, 2024.

On has played Its Ok releases from artists such as Dry Cleaning.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Its Ok!

Synths, surf rock, garage, punk, noise, psych, hip-hop, a little bit of soul, trip-hop and music from other decades.

Cult Hero is a mix of classic and modern. It’s a lifetime of influences, including power pop, new wave, classic & retro soul, electronics, and jangly guitars. Mondays 6-7a Pacific on

A show loosely based around exploring the threads and connections between songs through their lyrics, themes, sounds... or sometimes whatever topics the guest DJ's select!

Alternating friends droppin’ noisy tunes and chill cuts from everywhere.

Music as sweet as candy your favorite grandparent always carried with them

“This isn't about looking good. This isn't about making people like you. Remember why we're here: No magic. Just music.”

Hosted by that guy behind live music series Throwin' Bo's, Throwin' Bo's Radio Hour gives you an eclectic mix of genres from local, national, and global artists. Plus updates on live shows!