
Orion sun



Most recently, Butch Bait played Mango (Freestyle / Process) by Orion Sun, Mulch on Wednesday 15th May, 2024.

On has played Orion sun releases from artists such as orion sun, Orion Sun, Mulch.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Orion sun!

brought to you by the queers, the queens, and everything in between

sweet n’ dreamy jams that make you feel your feelings, with a focus on #bayarea musicians. brought to you every friday morning by sweet t. :')

Music as sweet as candy your favorite grandparent always carried with them

groovy music playlists and local artist interviews, we do it for fun.

A blend of Indie, Alternative, and Bedroom Pop. A new playlist curated EVERY Friday!

new music, themed sets, artist takeovers and local show recs to accompany your friday night.

Luxuriate and shimmy to this carefree melange of bops that span genres, generations, and geography.