
Psychic Hotline



Most recently, Roll Over Easy played Coffee by Sylvan Esso on Thursday 16th Jan, 2025.



Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Psychic Hotline!

Classical music without the fetish for BBBDSM – Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, Schubert, Mozart, etc.

Because it take allsorts (of sounds).

Mixing a musical nightcap of ambient, experimental and post-everything bliss

finding flow as we wax aesthetic. Connecting and Diving Deep.

Martyrs is a carnival of sound. From jarring noise to haunting ambient, from mind-bending electronica to poetic dissonance, Martyrs seeks to lift up the sounds that embrace the chaos, the cacophony and the beauty found in the unconventional.

Playing lost and found rare gems, collections from the past, and boogie jams from the present. Those things include: electronic, jazz, art rock, soul, mix noise, hip hop, indie, ambient and boogie.

Music as sweet as candy your favorite grandparent always carried with them