
Smithsonian Folkways



Most recently, Loose Canon Listening Club played Irish Patriot by Anna & Elizabeth on Sunday 16th Mar, 2025.



Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Smithsonian Folkways!

Take the dirt road with Wolfwhistle Rose. This serpentine Southern sampler surveys regional blues, roots music, boogie woogie, swamp-pop, alt-country, jazz, gospel, brass bands, & other wild tunes stamped by time & place.

Themed playlists that make you feel things.

Folk music to rattle your brain around in its juice.

Join host and musician Davia Schendel as she uncovers San Francisco's rich musical heritage, from the early days of radio till the present moment. Featuring occasional special guests, archival audio from concerts, and more.

finding flow as we wax aesthetic. Connecting and Diving Deep.

Because it take allsorts (of sounds).

The Road To Nowhere is sonic journey cascading through folds of time, eclecticism, transcendence, and childlike whimsy. Tune in and drop out; we're on a road to paradise, here we go!