a hairy home companion

About a hairy home companion

A Hairy Home Companion is a live comedy talk show featuring a hirsute, cute, and incredibly stoned me, Donna Arkee, that's just like hanging out with your best friend. Each episode I try my damndest to host a nice little comedy talk show while high and depending on the weed and the mood, I can do each segment no problem. Other times, I won't be able to make it through and who knows how it'll end up or where I'll go!

Want to speak to this freak? Email me at donna.arkee@gmail.com or send me a dm on instagram at a.hairy.home.companion!

  • Sunday 7:00 – 8:00pm


  • I blow the whistle on exactly how many layers are factually represented in the average seven layer dip.

  • I get frightened by a real life dog multiple times during the episode it's like a safari.

  • Tune in anytime by adding a hairy home companion to your podcast app.

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  • Nothing suspicious here officer! Anyways, this episode is kind of a mess bc I worked 7 days in a row while extremely sleep deprived but we…

  • My motto for this year. An extremely sleep deprived episode bc it was a bonkers week that included my instagram getting hacked!

  • It's easier and cheaper than you think! Also I accidentally forgot to turn up the volume for the background song!

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