

  1. T.S.R. by Against Me on As The Eternal Cowboy (Fat Wreck)
  2. Good Things by The Menzingers on On the Impossible Past (Epitaph)
  3. Are You There Margaret? It's Me, God by The Lawrence Arms on Oh! Calcutta! (Fat Wreck Chords)
  4. Kind of Like Smitten by The Ergs on Jersey's Best Prancers (Don Giovani Records)
  5. Hot 97 Summer Jam by Chumped on Teenage Retirement (Anchorless Records)
  6. Suffer The Kids by Broadway Calls on Broadway Calls (State Of Mind Recordings)
  7. Cincinnati Harmony by The Dopamines on Expect The Worst (Cold Duck)
  8. Crutches by The Copyrights on North Sentinel Island (It's Alive Records)
  9. Reservoir by Pup on PUP (SideOneDummy)
  10. Fix My Brain by The Marked Men on Fix My Brain (Dirtnap)
  11. Hangin' Tuff by Mean Jeans on On Mars (Self Released)
  12. 25 To Life by Masked Intruder on Masked Intruder (Red Scare)
  13. Pop Rocks 'N' Coke by Mixtapes on Maps (No Sleep)
  14. Back From The Moon by Big Eyes on Back From The Moon (Grave Mistake)
  15. Fear and Loathing On Long Island by Latterman on No Matter Where We Go..! (Deep Elm)
  16. Stickin' Together Is What Good Waffles Do by Spraynard on Cut and Paste (Runner Up)
  17. Rain Down by Rvivr on Rvivr (Don Giovanni Records)
  18. 25! by Bomb The Music Industry! on Scrambles (Asian Man/Quote Unquote)