Steve Foxx

DJ · he/him


A 90's rising entertainment personality, Steve Foxx was devoid of a moral compass, but had a strong sense of country. Volunteering for a N.A.S.A. deep space hibernation mission. Crashing after takeoff, Foxx's hyper V craft was thought lost, until now...


An eclectic collection of Rock from Heavy to Avant Garde Experimental awash in a soup of destiny.

Recent Shows

Trump, the dictator, in one fell swoop, has turned the United States from a nation that allies would turn to into a member of the ole’…

WTFU! 60 mins

We are in an emergency. If you haven’t been paying attention, Trump is purging top military generals and lawyers. He is working straight from the dictator…

WTFU! 60 mins

Hey Babies, I'm off this Saturday. Please enjoy this encore episode of Wake the F Up! from the Summer of 2019.

WTFU! 60 mins

Eff this billionaire man baby. Eff him and his money, his push to dismantle our government, eff his stupid kid gerbil herders who do his bidding.

WTFU! 60 mins

Blog Posts

SFBAM Magazine: The Nerv 'Trust in Fire'

Steve Foxx reviews The Nerv's "Trust in Fire" for SFBAM Magazine: "Maybe you’re not old enough to remember the good ole days of Northern California Hardcore, or maybe you can’t remember it from all the cracked 40’s and cross tops you ingested..." Read More →