
DJ · they/she

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For today's episode we are going to play some 90s/2000s europop and eurodance! Inspired by my fav playlist I have made "everyone in the future is…

Something Something Explosion 120 mins

Today we are going to focus on BARK, not the suggestive bark but the BARK of when you are angry. Or as Mitiski put it "I…

Something Something Explosion 120 mins

I have been thinking a lot about emo, but emo before skinny jeans. Emo when vest, fedoras, flares, side burns, and the overall dorkness of emo.

Something Something Explosion 120 mins

I love Daria, I love the show so much it is actually what Something Something Explosion is named after. So let us discuss why Daria is…

Something Something Explosion 120 mins