
Recent Shows

Episode title "Evolver" is the name of the Lunchbox song and classic lost album Evolver , out now on Slumberland ( bandcamp ). Mark your calendars:…

I Luv Mondays 60 mins

Episode title " Place of Words Now Gone " is the evocative title of the debut album by Distant Reader ( bandcamp ), who plays Kilowatt…

I Luv Mondays 60 mins

Episode title "Place You Know" is a song by princess520 from the album  Beautiful Girls Always So Sad ( bandcamp ) . Keep an eye on…

I Luv Mondays 60 mins

Crucial music , may it comfort and embolden you. Episode title "Top Spin"  refers to Top Spin with DJ Natalie , the two-hour show which leads…

I Luv Mondays 60 mins

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