Here are the top albums played on for the week of 6/21/21 - 6/27/21.
1. Japanese Breakfast // Jubilee
2. Bachelor // Doomin' Sun
3. St. Vincent // Daddy's Home
4. Mykki Blanco // Broken Hearts & Beauty Sleep
5. Spellling // The Turning Wheel
6. Rostam // Changephobia
7. Tyler, The Creator // Call Me If You Get Lost
8. Squirrel Flower // Planet (i)
9. Wolf Alice // Blue Weekend
10. Marinero // Hella Love
11. Daniel Avery // Together In Static
12. Darkside // "Lawmaker" [Single]
13. Mannequin Pussy // Perfect
14. Faye Webster // I Know I’m Funny Haha
15. Amythyst Kiah // Wary + Strange
16. Yves Tumor // "Jackie" [Single]
17. Hildegard // Hildegard
18. Sofia Kourtesis // Fresia Magdalena
19. UV-TV // Always Something
20. Pardoner // Came Down Different
21. Cold Cave // Fate In Seven Lessons
22. Brijean // Feelings
23. Chai // Wink
24. Black Country, New Road // For The First Time
25. Dry Cleaning // New Long Leg
26. Poté // A Tenuous Tale Of Her
27. Islands // Islomania
28. The Catenary Wires // Birling Gap
29. Colleen // The Tunnel And The Clearing
30. Fiddlehead // Between The Richness
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