would be heartbroken without you! Won’t you be our bestie this year, ohhhhh pleeease? Srsly, community is what makes so freakin’ special and this Valentine’s Day, we wanna celebrate with YOU — our DJs, listeners, volunteers, and supporters who make it all happen. is a space where creativity and connection can thrive, and we know those things are rare to find. And honestly, we’re feeling all mushy about it. 💞

So this week, we're going to share our love for you with some special collaborative playlists, on-air dedications, themed episodes, and even a lil dance party on Valentine's Day at Casements. ❤️

Wanna send a lil love back? Scratch the last minute trips to Pinterest for handmade V-day cards and send us some love at! ❤️ It’s the sweetest gesture you could offer us (besides candy, of course)!

If you really want to spice things up, make sure you add a note to your donation shouting out your favorite BFF show or DJ...or simply shower us with compliments to show that extra love ❤️ for our beautiful community!

Send some love!

Thanks to Vivi for  writing this love note, and Elena  and Daniella for the cuuuutest design!