One of my fondest memories of France is the Sale et Sauvage Nuit Garage #2 (Dirty & Savage Night of Garage Music Fest). That night, I witnessed and experienced French underground garage and post-punk in a way I never had before (it felt like I'd timewarped to the 80s). Among the music and people, I remember making my way to the record sellers' tables and found myself face to face with Nicolas of SDZ Records. Almost immediately, I recognized his records and realized that SDZ is based in France. Before that moment, SDZ was simply three letters written on the back of the Drosofile 7" I loved so much. We became friends and ever since, I've been keeping a closer eye on what SDZ has been releasing.
The label is currently celebrating its 15th birthday and is dropping Los Angeles based artist Space Blue's self titled album this month. This is the former Electric Bunnies member's first solo album. If you like multifaceted psychedelic rock or electronic music (and perhaps if you're still crushing hard on Suicide), then you'll dig this album. Take a peep at the opening track, "Awareness," and my other favorite track, "Green Eyes,".
Radio DJ
DJ BAQVAS enjoys the art of curating music immensely and began radio DJ-ing over ten years ago. What can you find on their radio show, Fractal Chambers? Music made by local artists, artists from countries most wouldn’t think to look towards, and simply artists who are making music that stands out in a BIG way.
Think lo-fi alt rock from Afghanistan, rap from Pakistan, hard-hitting hip-hop from Iran, renegade queer alt rock from Lebanon, riot grrl from Chile, underground crooners from Mexico, post-punk from Japan…
Genre-wise, you can expect: varieties of rock, hiphop, and electronic music. Send me some of your music if it fits the bill: zuhajawad [at] gmail.
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