Well, Summer definitely happened here in the UK during August. We had a few weeks of intense heat where I felt reality melt.

My most highly anticipated album of the year was also released. It did not disappoint.

I dicked around in late teens/early twenties to the point of it being worthy of it being an extreme sport. So it’s pretty fucking humbling to see musicians of that age demonstrating such joyful skill.

This duo have the natural musicianship of all the jazz gods before them. Proof, if it was remotely required, comes in the form of Moon where they deftly hold their own against Herbie Hancock. Herbie harks back to the sounds and grooves of his Sunlight record and the world feels a little lighter for that throwback.

Elsewhere, Thundercat brings a few quarts of cosmic jazz fizz to the party. Mac DeMarco proves he’s no slouch outside of his slacker personna. And, well, Busta Rhymes brings one of his best set of verses in decades.

Gotta admit, I’m greedily anticipating what comes next for this pair. Greatness doesn’t await. It’s already pouring out of them. Jazz is life, innit mate.