Reasons you should see Ewert & the Two Dragons on March 12th at the Brick & Mortar

  • Estonian! They won't be back this way very often
  • Tiny venue! Brick & Mortar means you'll be able to directly breathe in the CO2 that Ewert breathes out
  • Bragging rights! How awesome will it be that you can say you saw them at a tiny venue, "way back when" when your friends pay to see them at the Greek Theatre in two years
  • I'm DJ-ing - whoa. The reticent Mai will play appropriate hits in public! I'll probably also be dressed in a colorful manner, so there's that.
  • Also, #realtalk, I'm not usually for the folk side of Indie Rock, but these guys inject a level of soulfulness that makes it easy for me to get behind. For real, I'm vouching for them and when was the last time I vouched for any band beyond Caribou, DFA peeps, or Icelandic music. (It's been months - #trust!)
  • is Presenting. Hang out with some of your favorite DJs. Shoot the sh*t about music. We love to chat!
  • Eye (Guy) Candy

You should totally buy tickets and come hang with us!