New to programming is a sixteen-episode show from The Believer, a literary magazine published by McSweeney’s in San Francisco. Believer Radio features DJ sets from the contributors of their recently released Music Issue, anddigs deeper into the sounds and themes explored throughout the magazine’s printed pages.

You’ll hear The Cure’s Lol Tolhurst and his son discussing the history of goth, from its origins as a UK subculture to its contemporary global diaspora; columnist Carrie Brownstein on some of her favorite guitar players, with songs from Rush, Mdou Moctar, and Television; Kiwi Jr.’s Jeremy Gaudet and Ryan H. Walsh unpacking lyrics they wish they had written; longtime Believer writer Paul Collins wondering if four kazoos can replace a pipe organ; and more.

Tune in to the main channel on Wednesdays at 4 pm, or go to to stream at your leisure. And while these episodes can be enjoyed independently of the articles they complement, the issue is now available online, in case you’d like to read along.