About casually crying
casually crying is a blend of old, new, and everything in between !! hosted by dj sweet t. tune in every friday to feel your feelings, stay up to date with new releases, and discover local bay area bands. all genres are welcome on casually crying, but you can expect a lot of dream pop, indie rock, shoegaze, and some surprises.
got a request, comment, recommendation, or question? send me an email casuallycryingsf@gmail.com or message me on instagram (i’ll probably respond faster) @casually_crying
Heavy Rotation
casually crying plays Blush, Smashing Pumpkins, Diners, Mitski, Tennis, Beach House, Angel Olsen
- Friday 7:00 – 8:00am
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Casually Crying - Episode 128 - Jenevieve, Lunar hand, That Dog., Cults
Casually Crying - Episode 127 - Cold Cold Hearts, R.E. Seraphin, Jelani Aryeh, X-Ray Spex
Tune in anytime by adding casually crying to your podcast app.
Casually Crying - Episode 126 - Shirley Scott, RIMON, The Veldt, Peel Dream Magazine
Casually Crying - Episode 125 - Sugar Candy Mountain, Grace Jones, Dianna Lopez, Blue Smiley
Casually Crying - Episode 124 - Mahalia, Pip Millett, L.A. WITCH, Arlo Parks