Espresso Sesh

About Espresso Sesh

sponsored by Barberio Osteria

Weekly eclectic sessions featuring live in-studio interviews and performances, classics & non-classics on vinyl, previews of yet unreleased records, indie labels showcase and an accent.

• YouTube channel 
• (some) DJ Mixes
Shelter-In-Pasta videos

Reach out and say ciao via social media or email (

Heavy Rotation

  • Tuesday 2:00 – 4:00pm

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Take the dirt road with Wolfwhistle Rose. This serpentine Southern sampler surveys regional blues, roots music, boogie woogie, swamp-pop, alt-country, jazz, gospel, brass bands, & other wild tunes stamped by time & place.

an eclectic mix of tracks spanning all genres -- deep cuts and bangers, old and new, local and far away!