Grand Line Radio

About Grand Line Radio

Yes, that is a One Piece reference. As a Fourth Culture Kid who grew up in five different countries, I created Grand Line Radio to share some of the cultures that have shaped my life. We'll be exploring how different cultures express themselves through music.

Heavy Rotation

  • Thursday 12:00 – 1:00am


  • Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! In this week's episode, I'm exploring a new rabbit hole. I'm playing Indie Rock from Japan's 2000s and 90s. It has a nostalgic…

    60 mins

  • Greetings and salutations dear besties! With the eventful week we just had across the nation. I wanted to make an episode featuring music to process your…

    60 mins

  • Tune in anytime by adding Grand Line Radio to your podcast app.

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  • Hello There Mates! I'm playing some bangers from Africa, specifically Kenya, Mali, Zambia, South Africa and anywhere that tickles my fancy. Today's genres include some Hyper…

    60 mins

  • Ello There Governor (That's a Regular Show Reference). I'm currently in the UK right now and the culture's weather has finally gotten to me. As a…

    60 mins

  • Hello There! Today I'm playing Barber Beats, a sub genre of vaporware, from the Brazilian Artist known as slowerpace 音楽!

    60 mins

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