hello, cheetle.

About hello, cheetle.

twirl, yelp, and kick. cheetle radio! every friday night the cheetles are live with a host of ear rippers and garage bangers that promise to get you cats all riled up. trip out on hazy psych and get ratty to heavy shredding while amber and brit slip a few secrets under their whisky breath.

tune in weekly for special guests, witty banter, internet trend reports, and our very favorite segment, “ask a cheetle.” have something you wanna rap about? tweet at us and we’ll dial you in to chat on the airwavvves.

Heavy Rotation

  • Friday 6:00 – 8:00pm


  • hello, cheetle. tonight cheetle britt totes along a rad new friend, a rad friend's new tunes, and some tunes tunes. hang out! xo, the cheetles

  • tonite! on cheetle radio. we hear why amber and britt were out last week: a saga of naked beaches and a health scare from sebastian the…

  • Tune in anytime by adding hello, cheetle. to your podcast app.

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  • hello, cheetle. things are happening and the cheetles are spinning in circles. twirl twirl twirl and try not to vom. tonight we're locking ourselves in the…

  • hello, cheetle. get ready to exfoliate your ears with some gritty, grimy, scratchy, snarly, salty bangers. your lobes will be bb soft by the end of…

  • hello, cheetle. the rain has ceased and the sun is shining. the mood however, is still drizzly. tie up your soggy sneaks and get ready to…

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