Hot Damn!

About Hot Damn!

Hot Damn! Comes to you every Monday morning with an hour of jams that made me, your hostess with the mostest, DJ Dork, say "Hot Damn!"

Some of these tracks might be obscure one hit wonders I found while lurking the darkest depths of the interwebs, others might be oldies but goodies, and some others may be new releases that I've had on repeat since the day they dropped. Despite their differences, they will all undeniably be the jammiest of jams.

Heavy Rotation


  • [Indie Pop | Alt Rock | Folk] More feels. We all got feels, Sometimes the feels feel sad-sad and other times the feels feel sad-happy. Feel…

    60 mins

  • [Bedroom Pop | Indie Pop | R&B | Shoegaze] Oh fricks yeah do I have a playlist full or steamy dishware for you this week. ~Mostly~…

    60 mins

  • Tune in anytime by adding Hot Damn! to your podcast app.

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  • [Modern Rock | Indie Pop] My birthday was yesterday and this is in no ways a birthday playlist but I just wanted to commemorate that glorious…

    60 mins

  • [Hip Hop | R&B | Rap] Only good hip hop vibes beyond this point! Some up, some down, a lot in between, and some that go…

    60 mins

  • [Indie Pop | Bedroom Pop | Dream Pop | Folk] More dream and bedroom pop! Oh, and some indie rock too :) A lot of these…

    60 mins

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sweet n’ dreamy jams that make you feel your feelings, with a focus on #bayarea musicians. brought to you every friday morning by sweet t. :')