Loose Canon Listening Club

About Loose Canon Listening Club

Whatever you think of classical music, put those thoughts aside for two hours every Sunday morning. Join Sasha (formerly Boy with Girl's Name Morning Mixtape) with open ears and an open mind to explore the vast world of orchestral, chamber, opera, experimental, and other forms of art music.

Sleep in and never miss an episode by joining the LCLC mail list.

Heavy Rotation

Loose Canon Listening Club plays Baroness, Pile, Slow Mass, Tunng, Poliça, Sour Widows, Zoë Keating

  • Sunday 8:00 – 10:00am


  • Dismissed as “intirely rude and barbarous” but also exoticized, Irish and Scottish folk music found popularity in the 18th century across Europe and Great Britain, when…

  • This episode, we'll explore music written for harpsichord, analog synthesizers, piano and electronics, and piano (in that order). A quick note of correction: Wendy Carlos composed…

  • Tune in anytime by adding Loose Canon Listening Club to your podcast app.

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  • The BFF.fm server melted down while I was broadcasting today, so there is no archival version of this week's episode. Have no fear, I made a…

  • Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Loose Canon Listening Club, BFF.fm’s first ever classical music program. This will serve as an introduction, not to the…

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