Nocean Beach

About Nocean Beach

Hi my name is Alexi and this is Nocean Beach on the radio waves- my local music, internet radio thing. For each episode, I'll bring you a dose of local music, as well as some music relevant to recent or upcoming concerts and releases, and some completely irrelevant music just because I feel like playing it. I'll also talk about going to local shows alone or with special guests. Thanks for having a listen.

Heavy Rotation


  • Self promotion this way:

    120 mins

  • Sometimes I sit and think, sometimes I just sit on the top of the bay

    120 mins

  • Tune in anytime by adding Nocean Beach to your podcast app.

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  • Life, uh, finds a way

    120 mins

  • Saving all my tunes uwu

    120 mins

  • With April from B.A.A.A.M. Zine as special guest

    120 mins

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