About Proper Morning
Hip Hop, RnB and all things related past present, and future.
Heavy Rotation
Proper Morning plays Barrington Levy, Beatnuts, Christopher Kohler, Dennis Brown, Gregory Isaacs, Janet Jackson, Lone Ranger
Hip Hop, RnB and all things related past present, and future.
Proper Morning plays Barrington Levy, Beatnuts, Christopher Kohler, Dennis Brown, Gregory Isaacs, Janet Jackson, Lone Ranger
Going off my usual format here and playing some rock, punk, pop and bubblegum records
Sort of a do over of last weeks show! all reggae
Brought a stack of recent records I bought that I have barely listened to.
Hello! I have a theme today! I was asked to DJ a roller-skating party recently. I am going to play an expanded version of the records…
Special guest Theresa Rothstein crafted the playlist today. Also known as one of Mabels moms
Think of the ultimate mix tape that you have some where buried deep in your basement or attic!
A bi-weekly, hump-day haven of catharsis and sonic exploration brought to you by by Lonald J. Bandz
an eclectic mix of tracks spanning all genres -- deep cuts and bangers, old and new, local and far away!