tapecase radio

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About tapecase radio

tapecase radio by touch touch publishing
with sound and music by rhan small ernst

A friend of mine almost always says, "We'll sort it out" when presented with an issue or problem.I adopted this phrase and the attitude with it. and you know what? they're right. most everything gets sorted out.

John Cage and David Tudor made a record called Indeterminacy. This record changed my life. The recording is fantastic because it's everything one needs to know about John Cage and David Tudor, and acceptance.

acceptance is an essential tool for getting on and sorting it out.

tapecase radio is about this sorting-out process. Each week is an entirely new work made for radio. For each episode, I sort out issues like: What will I do for the next two hours?

I hope you enjoy it. thank you for listening.

rhan small ernst,

please donate to bff.fm

Heavy Rotation

  • Friday 2:00 – 4:00am


  • episode forty-seven

    S1 E47 120 mins

  • episode forty-six - syncrosexenergy

    S1 E46 120 mins

  • episode forty-five Desdoblamientos . De tanto imaginar conversaciones ya es trabajoso hablar, porque las voces estorban la otra voz: sonido-sombra sonido-claridad, tu voz sonando,…

    S1 E45 120 mins

  • episode forty-four  

    S1 E44 120 mins

  • episode forty-three

    S1 E43 120 mins