The Solar Stream Transmissions

About The Solar Stream Transmissions

Each show will be a journey, a mandala, a temple; an EQ recipe, transmuting the frequencies of the archetypal Gene Key energies that are actively streaming from the sun that day.

We will move through songs that help us process the lower shadow frequency expressions and elevate through our light expressions and into our essence.

We will call on the artists as companions and collaborators, and I will weave the story of the creative process synchronizing the mandala of this transmission.

Quick Background:

The archetypes are based on a contemporary wisdom system called the Gene Keys.

The Gene Keys are based on another system, called Human Design, which ultimately is a synthesis based on modern sciences and ancient sources of wisdom.

One of those sources of wisdom is the I Ching, also known as The Book of Changes.

The book demonstrates 64 patterns of how Nature moves through changes, and interprets how that impacts and correlates with our psychology.

During the 50s and 60’s, it was found that these 64 patterns, known thousands of years ago, actually correlate to the then-newly discovered 64 codons of our DNA’s genetic code.

Meaning, the 64 patterns of Nature and human psychology, actually have a 1:1 connection to our actual physical genetics.

We can trace our archetypal behavior patterns down to our biology.

Might sound obvious, but it has profound implications.

How it Relates to TSST:

The contribution that Human Design, as well as the Gene Keys makes, is mapping these 64 genetic archetypes onto the Astrological wheel.

This allows us to track when the planets are activating a certain archetype, and hence our genetic expression of that behavior, based on where they are in the sky.

As above, so below. As below, so above.

All of this to say, that each week on The Solar Stream Transmissions, the songs are reflective of the specific genetic archetype activated by the sun’s location in the sky.

Of all the “planets”, the sun accounts for 70% of the energetic influence that the cosmic bodies have on our bio-spiritual expression.

And For the Nerds:

The weekly Solar Gene Key that the Solar Stream Transmissions is based on is actually different than what the Gene Keys website states on their calendar.

The Gene Keys uses Tropical Astrology as their astrological foundation.

Tropical (Mainstream) Astrology, though it has its uses, is not actually based on the accurate location of the planets in relation to the constellation.

For example, what might be called a Taurus in Tropical Astrology, was likely born when the Sun was transiting the Aries constellation.

The Solar Stream Transmissions adjusts for this discrepancy, and refers to the ‘True Sidereal’ Astrological placement of the Sun, making it astronomically accurate.

Heavy Rotation

The Solar Stream Transmissions plays Kanye West, Frank Ocean, Pink Floyd, Shant Aumeta, Bjork, Cleo Sol, Sault


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