About The Warren and Connor Radio Hour
TUNE IN TURN LEFT DROPPED CALL. what about that huh, a little proof of our counter-culture bona-fides right at the top to convince you, godless hippies, to tune in--wait;
anyway, welcome to the one and only home of the Warren and Connor Radio Hour. Here at the Hour, we know what you want-- and beyond that, we know what you need. We're here for you every week serving up hour after hour, scoop after scoop of delicious sonic slop.
We know that sometimes the airwaves can seem like an uncaring corporate, faceless monolith. and we know that sometimes it feels that most stations just play music as a sort of sonic digestif, so that they can pump you full of car dealership advertisements. It's just not like that here. At the Hour, we play the music that stirs our souls and that we think will send you forth into the world as a happier, better person.
Rock over london rock on chicago!
Heavy Rotation
The Warren and Connor Radio Hour plays 10 cc, Dolly Mixture, Kinks, Talking Heads, The Beatles, Bona Dish, The Brian Jonestown Massacre
- Saturday 2:00 – 3:00pm
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It Is Raining Hour
its raining its pouring it is the hour come in out of the cold, join us, warm your soul with beautiful music
W&C friendship and good feelings and dope hour
what day is it? where did yo leave your car? they're watching me god damn it how did they find me oh god. its time to…
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C&W friday the thriteenth spooky music hour
Fun in the sun verdant beautiful variety hour
Brand newish episode lukewarm off the presses
Recorder hour