✎… About Today's Active Lifestyles A radio show on BFF.fm (currently on hiatus), playing the kind of indie rock you'd probably be into if you appreciate the title's reference. Heavy Rotation Today's Active Lifestyles plays Two Inch Astronaut, Protomartyr, Greys, Weed, Deerhoof, The Twerps, Chastity Belt Pop Rock
Archives TAL088 August 19 2016 Play Loading… Pause TAL087 August 12 2016 Play Loading… Pause Tune in anytime by adding Today's Active Lifestyles to your podcast app. Get Link Get Link Close Podcast Modal https://data.bff.fm/shows/today-s-active-lifestyles.rss Copy URL Open in browser… Open in app… TAL086 - with special guest PF Dumanis August 5 2016 My friend PF schools me on early Cure and glam/synthpop, I school him on new stuff that sounds like the Cure and glam/synthpop, and we chat… Play Loading… Pause TAL085 July 29 2016 Play Loading… Pause TAL084 July 22 2016 Play Loading… Pause Previous 456789101112 Next
Loose Canon Listening Club Sasha Classical music without the fetish for BBBDSM – Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, Schubert, Mozart, etc.
Top Spin Natalie Delivering a fun mix of independent and alternative music, featuring old favorites, new tracks, and local acts
audiosyncrasies swirving A show loosely based around exploring the threads and connections between songs through their lyrics, themes, sounds... or sometimes whatever topics the guest DJ's select!