All Of My Bodies by Holy Hum on All of My Bodies -
Love is a Light by Young Moon on Colt (Western Vinyl) -
Coffee and Tea by Christopher Owens on Chrissybaby Forever (Urban Scandal) -
Emotion by Curls on Vante EP (Urban Scandal) -
Danielle by Sagittaire -
Ruin by Boy Scouts -
Don't Step by Doncat -
Backstreets by Shannon and the Clams on Onion (Easy Eye Sound) -
Vitamin C by Alleyes Manifest -
99¢ Dreams by Tvrqouise on 99¢ Dreams (textme records) -
Modern Music by Dick Stusso on In Heaven (Hardly Art) -
Unstable by Blues Lawyer on Guess Work (Emotional Response) -
Make Your Mind Up by Souls of Mischief on '93 'Til Infinity (Jive) -
Edgelord by Patti -
No Pain by Patti on h.a.g.s. -
Leather Jacket by Moon Daze -
The Outrageous Wedding pt 2 by New Candys on Bleeding Magenta -
Angels by Tino Drima on Her Kind of Man -
Everything Stays by Qualia -
The Right Light by Eight Belles on Eight Belles (Saint Rose Records) -
Vesuvius by Tall Grass on Dog Placard E.P. -
Chime by Sandy's on Chime -
Torture by Spooky Mansion -
Toil & Joy by Devotionals on Devotionals -
Tooth by Cassiopeia on Tooth/Pony (Self-Released) -
Along the Castle Walls by Hangtown on Hangtown -
Bones by Long Knives on This is Your Life -
Canadian Classic by Mulligrub on Soft Grudge (Self-Released) -
Orange Light by Cool Ghouls on A Swirling Fire Burning Through the Rye (Empty Cellar) -
Only Grey by Cool Ghouls on Gord's Horse -
Teenage God Born to Die by Feral Ohms (Castle Face)