Mr. Mueller is moving hard and fast. The nation reels but we shall hold the center. Babies, this ride ain't over yet, so your prescription to maneuver through these nutty times is a strong dose of rock music and revolution!
Bukkle up!
Welcome to the Terrordome by Public Enemy on Fear of a Black Planet (Def Jam) -
I'm Afraid Of Americans by David Bowie on Earthling -
I Wanna Leave (Alive) by Demob Happy on xxx -
Birth,School,Work,Death by The Godfathers on Birth,School,Work,Death -
Bad Man by The Kut on xxx -
Do You Wanna Dance? by The Ramones on xxx -
The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ by Russia! Russia! Russia! on The Resistance (GQ) -
Casualty Vampires by Circle Jerks on xxx -
I Don't Care Anymore by Phil Collins on No Jacket Required (Atlantic) -
Only A Memory by The Smithereens on xxx -
Pigs In Zen by Jane's Addiction on Nothing's Shocking -
Soul Kitchen by X on xxx