In the week leading up to this year’s Juneteenth celebration ASTU and Heno. collaborated on music, and the resulting three songs (titled “1”, “2,” “3”) released on June 19th palpably synthesize the two artists’ powers of expression, particularly moving is “3”, an ecstatic affirmation of loving, uncompromising solidarity, and “1”, a reflective Heno. verse followed by a mod jazz vamp carried skyward by ASTU. (bandcamp)
Episode title is from the Heno. & ASTU song "3."
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email: iluvmondaysBFFfm@gmail.com
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3 by Heno. & ASTU on SHEEESH (self-released) Local -
1 by Heno. & ASTU on SHEEESH (self released) Local -
Fantasy Life by Moonrun on Fantasy Life (Self Released) Local -
No Sun by Private Joan on Organic Output II (self released) Local -
Adventure by Polytherian on Role Play (self released) Local -
Think About You by Quinn Deveaux on Book of Soul (self released) Local - Break
Repeat by Naked Roommate on Do the Duvet (Trouble in Mind) Local -
A Dream Ends Without Starting by Christian Singles on Maybe Another Time (Vacant Stare) Local -
White Window Light by Madeline Kenney on Sucker's Lunch (Carpark) Local - Break
Good Year for the Bells by Flowertown on Theresa Street (Paisley Shirt) Local -
Leviathan by The Telephone Numbers (self released) Local -
Hella Hella Hella by Nappy Nina on Water for the Town v.2 (SMARTBOMB) Local -
Déjà Vu by Galore on Galore (Rocks in Your Head) Local -
Clock Without Hands by R.E. Seraphin on A Room Forever (Paisley Shirt) Local -
Weight by BB Sinclair on Sounds from Inside Vol. 1 (Shut-In) Local -
In Your Arms Forever by Grace Sings Sludge on Christ Mocked & the End of a Relationship (Empty Cellar) Local -
Loser, Loser by Thriftys (Self-Released) Local -
Juggalos vs. Nazis by 2 Lazy Boys on The Recline of Western Civilization (self released) Local -
Libido by Same Girls (Text Me) Local -
Focus by Saoirse Dream on Collection (self released) Local -
I'm a Leaker by The Gonks on Five Things You Didn't Know about the Gonks (Rocks in Your Head) Local -
Radio Memphis by Julian Never (self released) Local -
Wish by Boy Scouts (Anti) Local -
F.W.T.S. by Bobbi Rohs (self-released) Local -
Scorpio by Ötzi on Storm (Artoffact) Local -
Body Bag by Telepathic Children (self released) Local -
Temporary Unit by Modern Needs on Genetic Makeup (self released) Local -
Parisian Thoroughfare by Bud Powell on The Best of Bud Powell on Verve (Verve) -
Don't Know How It Feels by Nimsins (self released) Local -
Shark Skin by SOAR on Soft Dial Tone (self released) Local -
Memory of a Cut off Head by OCS on Memory of a Cut Off Head (Castle Face) Local -
Anywhere But Here by Well Read Seals on Volume 1: Hot Sick Vile and Fun (Rocks in Your Head) Local -
California by Rays on Hot Sick Vile & Fun - New Sounds from SF (Rocks In Your Head) Local -
We Belong by Odd Hope on Odd Hope (Fruits & Flowers) Local -
Human Now by Blue Ocean on Summer of Hands (self released) Local -
Sunchild by Baybs on Introvertigo (Text Me) Local -
Comienzame a Vivir (Jeanette) by Panaderia on Jeanette Vol. 2 (self released) Local -
Radiowaves by Black Thumb on 2020 (self released) Local