Great music continues to pour forth from the region, evidence gathered below.
instagram: @iluvmondaysbfffm
twitter: @iluvmondaysWill
Contact Contamination by Midnite Snaxxx on Contact Contamination EP (self released) Local -
Lava by Blue Ocean on Fade (self released) Local -
Hits the Right Way by Flex TMG (Vacant Stare) Local -
Leave Me Out of This by Brontez Purnell on White Boy Music EP (Post Present Medium) Local -
Valley Riff by 300 D (self released) Local -
Taraval Bird Hospital by Sad Eyed Beatniks on Places of Interest (Paisley Shirt) Local -
Truly by Pacific Yew on Squeeze Demo (self released) Local -
See You As You Fall by Topographies on Ideal Form (Funeral Party) Local -
Disinformation by There's Talk on Great Falls (self released) Local -
Waking by ASTU on ALTARS (Boyish) Local -
Sunflowers by The Snogs on Boyfriend's Dead (Paisley Shirt) Local -
90s Loop by Torrey (self released) Local -
Moody by Brijean on Day Dreaming (Ghostly International) Local -
Carro Rojo by Andre Moya on Carro Roio (self released) Local -
Compassion Suite by David Castillo on The Suite Life (self released) Local -
Dream Parade by Lunchbox on After School Special (Slumberland) Local -
Little Bird by Gentle Spirit on (s) (self released) Local -
End of Days by Sucker Crush (self released) Local -
Personal Computing by Neutrals (self released) Local -
Riding in Your Mind by Abracadabra on Abracadabra (Anniversary) Local -
Obliteration by Combo on Destroyayaya (Discontinuous Innovation Inc.) Local -
Worth It by Nimsins (self released) Local -
Fond One by Inger S on Turivo (self released) Local