The Reds Pinks & Purples, whose Uncommon Weather (bandcamp) is a small culling of songwriter Glenn Donaldson's ongoing iterations of form, give the impression of an infinite supply of life-saving melancholy 🙏
Episode title is from the Reds Pinks & Purples song "The Songs You Used to Write."
Die Jim Crow Records and the Union of Musicians and Allied Workers are teaming up to get instruments into the hands of incarcerated peoples, including those not far from us at San Quentin, intake form here: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/instrumentsintoprisons
instagram: @iluvmondaysbfffm
twitter: @iluvmondaysWill
email: iluvmondaysBFFfm@gmail.com
Take Me With You by Silverware on No Plans (self released) Local -
Scowl by Luke Sweeney on Critique of Nature (self released) Local -
Little Deer by SPELLLING on Little Deer (Sacred Bones) Local -
Life at Parties by The Reds, Pinks & Purples on Uncommon Weather (Slumberland) Local -
The Songs You Used to Write by The Reds, Pinks, and Purples on Uncommon Weather (Slumberland) Local -
Hey You, What's New by Al Harper on Promises I Kept (Homing Instinct) Local -
Kiss of Life by Pacific Yew on Water for the Town v.3 (SMARTBOMB) Local -
Yolk by Fake Fruit on Fake Fruit (Rocks In Your Head) Local -
Emporium by Blue Ocean on Blue Ocean (Paisley Shirt) Local -
Portal by Buddy Junior on Portal (Cherub Dream) Local -
East Bay by Wyatt Smith on Maple (Open Door) Local -
Goin' (Perseverence) by Qing Qi on Emotionally Intelligent (Pu Tang) Local -
Repair by Stoney Creation (self released) Local -
What I Want You to Do (So Do) by Smile Too Much on Smile Too Much (Dandy Boy) Local -
Looking South from Hyde Street by Sad Eyed Beatniks on Places of Interest (Paisley Shirt) Local -
Heaven Train by Romance Club on Flowers from Barbado (self released) Local -
Country Breakfast by Half Stack on Wings of Love (Forged Artifacts) Local -
Always by A Tribe Quartet (self released) -
Son of Sam's Club by Nopes on Djörk (Magnetic Eye) Local