Babies, do you think we want to be talking about cult 45 and his authoritarian spitshow?
Well, we do not. We want to concentrate on other things, progressive things. But we have to keep talking about him. Because he is still the single largest threat to the republic in 150 years.
Stay Strong;
Journey to the Center of the Mind by The Ramones on Acid Eaters (Radioactive) -
Animal by Pearl Jam on Vs. (Sony) -
Yankee Rose by David Lee Roth on Eat 'em and Smile (Warner Brothers) -
Cat People (Putting Out Fire) by David Bowie on Let's Dance (EMI) -
I Was Made For Loving You by Kiss on The Very Best of Kiss (Island) -
Love You More by Dream Wife on Love You More (Lucky Number) New -
Monster by Sarah Brooke Trouble (Lazy Animal) New -
February Punk by Superchunk (Merge) New -
Louie Louie by Iggy Pop on American Caeser (Virgin) -
Since You Been Away by TVOD (Self released) New -
Settle Down by Stepmother on Planet Brutalicon (Tee Pee) New -
Long in the Tooth by Modern English (Mesh & Lace) New -
You Keep Me Hangin’ On by Vanilla Fudge on You Keep Me Hangin’ On (Warner) -
Suzie Q by Credence Clearwater Revival on Credence Clearwater Revival (Concord) Local