The Midnight Prowl Show #007 May 25th

Yes babies, as soon as I came out of my hypersleep...I knew it, the world of the 21st century had been radically changed since I was put into the hyper V craft.  Corporate aggression, police armed to the teeth and dressed like special forces, the dumbing down of the masses.

It's time to beginning your deprogramming.  Time to put revolution back on the map and make you shake your groove.  No playlist this week.  Trust me.  There will be no robot overlords Listen to the show and make sure you toss an intellectual grenade at your neighbor.

The show served to inspire the masses to rise up and demand better music, better lives and better coffee.

Check out the show as the MP3 or in the below link!

Long live the fighters! -FOXX { audio }

Yes babies, as soon as I came out of my hypersleep...I knew it, the world of the 21st century had been radically changed since I was put into the hyper V craft.  Corporate aggression, police armed to the teeth and dressed like special forces, the dumbing down of the masses.

It's time to beginning your deprogramming.  Time to put revolution back on the map and make you shake your groove.  No playlist this week.  Trust me.  There will be no robot overlords Listen to the show and make sure you toss an intellectual grenade at your neighbor.

The show served to inspire the masses to rise up and demand better music, better lives and better coffee.

Check out the show as the MP3 or in the below link!

Long live the fighters! -FOXX{audio