A concept that infects every part of our society. ‘We’ll, they did it too!’ Or, ‘The Dems are just as bad as the GOP’. Child, Please.
Let’s get our minds right.
Rock and Truth coming up.
Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine on Evil Empire (Sony) -
The Serpent and the King by Judas Priest (Sony) New -
Destroyer by The Kinks on Give the People What They Want (Sanctuary) -
Redemption Song by Bob Marley & The Wailers on Uprising (Island) -
Never Give In by Banton, Pato on Never Give In (Greensleeves) -
The Wait by Pretenders on Pretenders (Rhino) -
Derailer by Wine Lips (Stomp) New -
Bad Attitude by Honeymoon Suite on Big Prize (Warner) -
Kill City by Iggy Pop & James Williamson on Kill City (Virgin) -
Sister Havana by Urge Overkill on Saturation (Geffen) -
Go All The Way by Raspberries on Raspberries (Capitol) -
Break it Up by Foreigner on Four (Atlantic)