Enough with the hand wringing and the pearl clutching. We ARE going to defeat Dementia J. Trump and acolytes. And we’re going to wipe them out across the every election in this nation.
Good Enough by Van Halen on 5150 (Warner) - Break
Summertime Girls by Y&T on Open Fire (A&M) -
Spiderman by The Ramones on Saturday Morning (Cartoon's Greatest Hits) (MCA) -
Standing in the Shower...Thinking by Jane's Addiction on Nothing's Shocking (Warner Bros.) -
Husbands by Savages on Silence Yourself (Matador) -
To Live And Die In L.A. by Wang Chung on To Live And Die In L.A. (Geffen) -
Detachable Penis by King Missile on Happy Hour (Atlantic) -
The Weather by The Church on Eros Zeta and the Perfumed Guitars (Communicating Vessels) New -
Captain Fantasy by Ween on The Pod (Chocodog) -
I Know There’s Something Going On by Frida on Something’s Going On (Polar) -
Les passantes by Iggy Pop on Apres (Thousand Mileq) -
Hands of the Zodiac by Fu Manchu on Hands of the Zodiac (The Dojo) New -
Yer All in My Dreams by Purling Hiss on Purling Hiss (Drag City) -
Viet Nam by Minutemen on Minutemen (SST)