Fayette Fox recently published her first novel, "The Deception Artist". The book is literary fiction about childhood and make-believe, truth, and lies. It's told through the eyes of an eight-year old girl named Ivy who has a vivid imagination and tells lies so that people will like her. Ivy is telling the story of her ordinary family life in the Bay Area during the 1980's recession. But just like many other ordinary families, Ivy's family has some problems and things start to come a bit unraveled at home. The book was originally published in the UK by Myriad Editions in 2013 and was just published in North America by Roaring Forties Press. Fayette's debut novel has received great reviews and been short listed for several awards. Fayette has also lived in London where she commissioned guide books for Lonely Planet. She has traveled the world and shares some of her favorite stories on the show. Fayette recently moved to Oakland but lived in the Lower Haight before that. She shares her favorite spots in the hood and throughout San Francisco.