Ronnie Goodman is a homeless artist who received a lot of attention recently for running the San Francisco Half Marathon. His story has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle, the Today Show, and he was trailed by ESPN film crews during the run. Ronnie has been through many challenges in his life. He was raised in the projects, dropped out of high school at 17, and was illiterate into his 20's. At one point, Ronnie became a drug addict which eventually led to him spending 8 years in prison. But when Ronnie hit rock bottom, he decided to turn his life around with the help of several rehabilitation programs in prison. After becoming a free man, he immediately entered the homeless community in San Francisco. Ronnie remained drug free and continued focusing on positive, daily choices in his life. He continued developing as an artist through Hospitality House and decided to run the second half of the San Francisco Marathon to celebrate his 54th birthday. By the time Ronnie crossed the finish line, his story had become a national media sensation. Ronnie's art career is also taking off. In June, his solo art show "Soul Journey" will open at the San Francisco Main Library.