YOU, ME, & the FLY by THE HAIRS on ELVIS & ME ARE ONE (Visit http://thehairs.bandcamp.com) -
Ferris Wheel by frozy on Lesser Pop (Visit http://frozy.bandcamp.com) -
Seaside by DIRTYGIRL on Junk Food EP (Visit http://wearedirtygirl.bandcamp.com) -
Wind Up by Shopping on Why Choose (fatcat records) -
Night Out by Radiator Hospital on Split -
Chekhov's Hangnail by Martha on Split -
Richard and Judy by The Spook School on Try to be Hopeful (Visit http://thespookschool.bandcamp.com) -
Laughing Gas by Breakfast MUFF on The Feels (Visit http://breakfastmuff.bandcamp.com) -
The Lights Are Out by Amy Linton + Stewart Anderson on The Lights Are Out EP (555 Recordings) -
At Least We're Trying by Famous Boyfriend on At Least We're Trying EP (555 Recordings) -
I've Forgotten How To Live by Hood on Lee Faust's Million Piece Orchestra (555 Recordings) -
Big Brains by Space Mountain on Gargantua (Visit http://spacemountain.bandcamp.com) -
Inertia by Tongueflower (Visit http://tongueflower.bandcamp.com) -
I Can Cry Too by John Krautner on Fun with gum vol. 1 ([Burger Records]) -
means nothing to you by Eerie Summer on the way i don't understand anything anymore (Visit http://eeriesummer.bandcamp.com) -
Slow Motion by Wildhoney on Your Face Sideways (Visit http://wildhoneysound.bandcamp.com) -
Friends Who Are Lesbian by FOLEY! on ASCOT VALE (Visit http://foleyfoley.bandcamp.com) -
Pallbearer Bleuz by The Pesos on Carpet Dope (Visit http://thepesos.bandcamp.com) -
Girlfriend's Lover by Piano Movers on Girlfriend's Lover (Visit http://fruitsandflowers.bandcamp.com) -
Someone Just Like You by Teen Mom on Groovy (Visit http://teenmomdc.bandcamp.com) -
Razor Blades by Sleepy on Hit and Run 7 (Visit http://sleepyband.bandcamp.com) -
Dream by Boys on Kind of Hurt [EP] (Visit http://pnkslm.bandcamp.com) -
Stirling by Pure Morning on The Broadcasting Department of Philadelphia (Visit http://puremorningband.bandcamp.com) -
Experts by Rombo on Rombo (Visit http://rombo.bandcamp.com) -
African Mask by LITHICS on LITHICS (Visit http://lithics.bandcamp.com) -
Kisses Are Always Promises by Rocketship on A Certain Smile, A Certain Sadness (Visit http://rocketship.bandcamp.com) -
p.o. box by the nonpareils on compiled recordings (Visit http://thenonpareils.bandcamp.com) -
Scooterbabe by Scooterbabe on The Scooterbabe Companion (Visit http://jigsawrecords.bandcamp.com) -
Where You Off To? by No Ditching on Face Ache (Visit http://kingfisherbluez.bandcamp.com) -
in your place by Lipstick Homicide and Billy Raygun on Lipstick Homicide/Billy Raygun split 12 (Visit http://lipstickhomicide.bandcamp.com) -
Suzy by Jabber on Well... Just Jabber (Visit http://jabberpop.bandcamp.com) -
Atlantis by Box Elders on Alice and Friends (Amazon.com Song ID: 212245785) -
Emily by Girlpool on Before the World Was Big -
The Ocean (reprise) by Ultimate Painting on Green Lanes -
Benji's Song by beverly tender on Lord Mayor Makes 1,000 Speeches (Visit http://beverlytender.bandcamp.com) -
Fern Murderers by Twerps on Range Anxiety -
shes really all i need (mac demarco) by Spencer Cohen on skate banjo and the cult (forgotten) (Visit http://sad4sandwich.bandcamp.com) -
Brave And Olde by Odd Hope on Brave and Olde (Visit http://fruitsandflowers.bandcamp.com) -
A Repetition by Sunshine Faces on Peaked (Visit http://sunshinefaces.bandcamp.com) -
The Pink Noise by Shunkan on The Pink Noise (Visit http://artishardrecords.bandcamp.com)