Town by SPORTS on All of Something (Visit http://fatherdaughterrecords.bandcamp.com) -
Watch TV by Addie Pray on Screentime (Visit http://fatherdaughterrecords.bandcamp.com) -
Take It Outside by Shopping on Why Choose -
Shaved Head by FLESH WORLD on The Wild Animals In My Life LP (LUNGS-064) (Visit http://ironlungpv.bandcamp.com) -
Summer Means Fun by The Kickstand Band on Summer Means Fun EP (Visit http://thekickstandband.bandcamp.com) -
It´s True by Tall Juan on Why Not? (Visit http://talljuan.bandcamp.com) -
I Want To Kiss You by The Spook School on Try to be Hopeful (Visit http://thespookschool.bandcamp.com) -
I Don't Wanna Relax by Joanna Gruesome on Peanut Butter -
What's That Sound? by Hard Left on What's That Sound (Visit http://hardleft.bandcamp.com) -
SHADETHROWER by royal brat on NEGATIVE BONE (Visit http://royalbratmpls.bandcamp.com) -
Big Salad by Young Attenborough on Nowt But Dust (Visit http://youngattenborough.bandcamp.com) -
Blindfold by DIRTYGIRL on Junk Food EP (Visit http://wearedirtygirl.bandcamp.com) -
Lemur Dance by Ostra Brains on Gelato Luv (EP) (Todos os direitos reservados. Transfusão Noise Records - TNR.078 / Brasil 2015) -
Better Guy by PALMAS on To The Valley -
I Get A Kick by John Krautner on Fun with gum vol. 1 ([Burger Records]) -
BEEF by THE HAIRS on BEEF b/w JUMBO SELF HELP (Visit http://thehairs.bandcamp.com) -
JUMBO SELF HELP by THE HAIRS on BEEF b/w JUMBO SELF HELP (Visit http://thehairs.bandcamp.com) -
Razor by the moonlight on The Moonlight LP (Visit http://themoonlight.bandcamp.com) -
wound (magic M) by DON'T on DON'T EP (Visit http://itschudrecords.bandcamp.com) -
Better Than You by Smoke Screens on Smoke Screens (Visit http://smokescreensla.bandcamp.com) -
Wait by Wavves on V -
I Knew Who Killed Laura Palmer Before Season Two by Welfare Queens on 3 Sad Dudes, 5 Rad Tunes (Visit http://reallyradrecs.bandcamp.com) -
Truth or Dare by Bleeding Knees Club on Virginity (Visit http://thebleedingkneesclub.bandcamp.com) -
BACK TAXES AND ANAPHYLAXIS by ISS on ISS (Visit http://iss2012.bandcamp.com) -
4's and 5's by What Tyrants on No Luck (Visit http://whattyrants.bandcamp.com) -
ZORЯOZ by Sects Tape on E.P. (Visit http://sectstapedealers.bandcamp.com) -
i don't need anybody else (but you) by Eerie Summer on the way i don't understand anything anymore (Visit http://eeriesummer.bandcamp.com) -
Jamie Lee Curtis by Atta Girl on Demo (Visit http://attagirlva.bandcamp.com) -
I GOT BEAT UP by KIDS IN HEAT on HIGH ENERGY, LOW INCOME (Visit http://kidsinheatmusic.bandcamp.com) -
Red Ronigun by Nar on History (Visit http://jigsawrecords.bandcamp.com) -
Sick, Sad, Seduction by Bikini Cops on I (Visit http://bikinicops.bandcamp.com) -
Your Hearts Not In It by Famous Boyfriend on Making Love All Night Wrong / The Famous Boyfriend -
(The) Weight by Hood on (The) Weight (555 Recordings) -
Temptation by Kid606 on Jen + Stew Wedding Record (555 Recordings / Red Square Records) -
Lullaby by Dear Nora on Jen + Stew Wedding Record (555 Recordings / Red Square Records) -
the hottest day of the year by Try The Pie on Rest (Visit http://trythepie.bandcamp.com) -
Downtown 2Day by Piano Movers on Girlfriend's Lover (Visit http://fruitsandflowers.bandcamp.com) -
Move On Up by Heavy Pet on Heavy Pet / Oakland Health Academy Split Cassette -
Goodnight Sweetheart by Oakland Health Academy on Heavy Pet / Oakland Health Academy Split Cassette -
Surfer's Dream by Zach Uncles on Surf Carousel -
Believe Anything by Boys on Kind of Hurt [EP] (Visit http://pnkslm.bandcamp.com) -
Voices by the moonlight on The Moonlight LP (Visit http://themoonlight.bandcamp.com) -
On Tiptoes by crumbs on demo (Visit http://crumbscrumbs.bandcamp.com)