Our 73rd episode of Despair on the Air where we welcome a very special guest, August Greenberg of Riverby!
Find Riverby on Bandcamp, Spotify, Instagram, Twitter, and SpaceHey.
Avril Lavigne - “When You’re Gone” Naruto AMV
Follow Despair on the Air on Instagram, Twitter, Mixcloud, & Spotify.Playlist
Symbiotic Harmony by Woolbright on Busybody Lazybones (Whelmed) -
Featured Nose to Nose by Riverby on Smart Mouth (Take This to Heart) - Break
Five Finger Exploding Heart Technique by OK Cool on Surrealist (Take A Hike) New -
Couch by PONY on TV Baby (Take This To Heart) New -
Tongue in Cheek by Highnoon on Semi Sweet (Oof) -
Mooncakes by Manley on I Picked My Scab and Now There’s a Scar (Self-Released) New -
Shrink by Chub Rub on Make Some Fucking Space (Self-Released) - Break
Sing Till I Cry by IAN SWEET on Show Me How You Disappear (Polyvinyl) New -
Massive Escape by Caroline Kingsbury (Fortune Tellers) New -
Be Sweet by Japanese Breakfast on Jubilee (Dead Oceans) New