This episode is dedicated to the memory of Alex Petralia, beloved by the Bay music and art communities.
The episode title refers to what I wrote about Alex and his fellow bandmates in Nopes for Hits of the Bay 2021:
"One of the best to ever do it."
We're still raising funds for Eli's Mile High Club-- gofundme here. For what it's worth I contacted my Oakland City Councilperson Zac Unger about the patio issue and he said "I've spoken with the planning department and the mayor's office about this and they're on it. There is a lot of desire to fix this and make it right. I can't direct city staff to do specific things, but I have definitely made it clear that keeping Eli's open is a priority!" Let's not take his word for it: write to your Oakland City Councilperson here.
instagram: @iluvmondaysbfffm
email: iluvmondaysBFFfm at gmail
Son of Sam's Club by Nopes on Djörk (Magnetic Eye) Local In memory of Alex Petralia
No by Pleeay (self released) Local -
Broken by a Glance by Blue Zero on Colder Shade Blue (Lower Grand) Local -
Daydreams ft. Veotis by Miss Hits on MISS HITS (Zheniia) Local -
Permanent (for now) by Aux Meadows on Draw Near (Eiderdown Records) Local Wednesday at Cafe Du Nord: Aux Meadows/ John Francis Flynn (Ireland)
Broken Whisper by Naked Roommate on Pass The Loofah (Trouble in Mind) Local -
Backfire by Bad Tiger (self-released) Local Thursday at Subrosa in Santa Cruz: Bad Tiger/ Burl/ Kelsey Magnuson/ Anna McClellan
I Think I Need You Around by Ryli (Dandy Boy) Local Saturday at the Peacock Lounge: RYLI/ Rip Room/ Soft Jaw (Long Beach)/ The Memories (LA)
Smug feat. maassai by Nappy Nina on Mourning Due (Lucid Haus) Local Friday at 3319 Marché: Nappy Nina + Swarvy/ Nimsins
Shirley Chisolm by Nimsins (self released) Local -
By the Land by Sharada Shashidhar on Soft Echoes (Leaving Records) Thursday at Beauty Supply: Sharada Shashidhar + Caleb Buchanan (LA)/ Cheflee/ Mejiwahn DJ set
Helena Duel by 55CASTLES (self released) Local Tuesday at thee Stork Club: 55CASTLES/ Mind Mirage/ Chuck Johnson/ r beny
A Choice (Argon Hellstar Reset) by Cheree on Factory (Reset) (Cherub Dream) Local Wednesday at thee Parkside: Cheree/ Help (Portland)/ Machine Country (Portland)/ M.U.T.T.
Memory by Al Harper on The Analemma Observation League (Take a Turn Records) Local Friday at Raindog Records in Petaluma: Al Harper/ Michael J. O'Connor & The Cold Family album release/ Nicco Weisskopf
It's About Oblivion by Michael J. O'Conner & the Cold Family on Weirdly Dark (self released) Local -
Savior by New Not Shameful on nns / trust blinks. split (Cherub Dream) Local Wednesday at Oakland Secret: New Not Shameful/ Slinger single release/ Stella/ Brother M/ Grad Nite
You're Not Easy to Forget by Jimmy Touzel on Lonesome Lullabies (self released) Local Sunday at Toot's in Crockett, Mama Tried: Jimmy Touzel Bluegrass Explosion/ Smoker Dad/ Holy Catholic Social Club/ Sam Henson
Apparition by Sympathy Flowers on Through the Veil (self released) Local Saturday at First Church of the Buzzard: Sympathy Flowers/ The Discussion/ Grey Causeway
Coming To Your Town by Chime School (Slumberland) Local Monday/tonight at the Makeout Room: Chime School/ The Rubinoos