
Born Jovi


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Recent broadcasts featuring Born Jovi

  • Mr. Steve Foxx joins us to discuss the Netflix doc Mr. McMahon and the razzle-dazzle of the WWE.

    TV on the Radio 60 mins

  • Final few laps, babies. Final month of this fight for American Democracy. Can’t stop. Push Kamala Harris across the finish line. Our fortune, Our action Our…

    WTFU! 60 mins

  • It’s a better show that the new Kong VS Godzilla movie. Or is Kong and Godzilla together again? I don’t know. What I’m sayin’ is that…

    WTFU! 60 mins

  • Let’s get on thing straight. Keep your feelings about Joe Biden to yourself. Feelings are a distraction from the mission. Defeat the clear and present danger…

    WTFU! 60 mins

Love Born Jovi? These shows are for you!

Talking about crap TV on the radio so you don't have to. Plus we secretly LOVE crap TV. (Also, we talk about a lot of really good shows you guys. No FAKE NEWS here at TVoTR)


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