
All Roads Lead To Los Angeles

High Pulp


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Recent broadcasts featuring High Pulp

  • Music this week from Nia Archives, Gustaf, Salt Cathedral, Boeckner, Chastity Belt, gglum, Logic1000, Cadence Weapon, Erick the Architect, Mount Kimbie, English Teacher, Bodega, A Certain…

    Pattern Recognition № 306 120 mins

  • Lots of hip-hop this week. Starting the show with new music from Dawn Richard, Jujulipps, H31R, Aesop Rock, and Atmosphere. Even more hip hop from Kool…

    Pattern Recognition 120 mins

  • I truly believe in bugs. Wear headphones.

    @Jon.Digital 120 mins

  • New music this week from Polo & Pan, Leisure, Blonde Redhead, Vanishing Twin, Mirror Tree, Night Hikes, Slow Pulp, Cherry Glazer, Chai, Jeff Rosenstock, Sufjan Stevens,…

    Pattern Recognition № 288 120 mins

  • Pre Show Jitters 120 mins

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