Wake The F Up!

About Wake The F Up!

sponsored by Golden Gate Cannabis Co.

Returning from his deep space mission to Kepler Eriandi, Steve Foxx finds his nation in shambles and in the hands of fascists. Assembling a team of rock and roll heavy hitters; he pledged to the free peoples of America to broadcast freedom, information and rock music until his dying breath. We Resist.

Heavy Rotation

  • Saturday 7:00 – 8:00am


  • Yes Babies, it is the unofficial first weekend of Summer. It’s supposed to be fun, really! Enjoy the freedoms of this nation this three day weekend.

    60 mins

  • Freedom. We’ll, babies, that word gets thrown around without much thought nowadays. Let’s figure out what our freedom means by digging back into history and shaking…

    60 mins

  • Tune in anytime by adding Wake The F Up! to your podcast app.

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  • The whole CNN klan rally the other night only reinforces what we’ve known. It’s not just Donald Dump. It’s his followers. His cult that is currently…

    60 mins

  • We’ll Babies, we’re doing everything we can to beat back fascist forces. Proud Boy terrorists are going to jail and Cult 45 is up against a…

    60 mins

  • We’ll babies, Kevbo and the GOP House have decided to cut a quarter of the nations budget in their hostage style proposal to lift the credit…

    60 mins

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