About Wake The F Up!

Returning from his deep space mission to Kepler Eriandi, Steve Foxx finds his nation in shambles and in the hands of fascists. Assembling a team of rock and roll heavy hitters; he pledged to the free peoples of America to broadcast freedom, information and rock music until his dying breath. We Resist.
Heavy Rotation
Wake The F Up! plays Ramones, Iggy Pop, Def Leppard, Kinks, Guided by Voices, Van Halen, Doors
- Saturday 7:00 – 8:00am
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Episode 229 - Uncommon Valor
Yes Babies, it is the unofficial first weekend of Summer. It’s supposed to be fun, really! Enjoy the freedoms of this nation this three day weekend.
Episode 228 - Freedom
Freedom. We’ll, babies, that word gets thrown around without much thought nowadays. Let’s figure out what our freedom means by digging back into history and shaking…
Tune in anytime by adding Wake The F Up! to your podcast app.
Episode 227 - Cult 45 Redux
The whole CNN klan rally the other night only reinforces what we’ve known. It’s not just Donald Dump. It’s his followers. His cult that is currently…
Episode 226 - Critical Threats
We’ll Babies, we’re doing everything we can to beat back fascist forces. Proud Boy terrorists are going to jail and Cult 45 is up against a…
Episode 225 - Slash and Burn
We’ll babies, Kevbo and the GOP House have decided to cut a quarter of the nations budget in their hostage style proposal to lift the credit…